Categories and standards of the contributions:
Print out and fill in this document, which you agree to the publication of the contributions for the students needs at our website. Thank you.
Standards of the conference papers can be downloaded here.
Standards of the contributions to the proceedings can be downloaded here.
1) Lecture
Maximum time of presentation: 25 minutes + 5 for a discussion.
In the absence of the speaker from the same block the lecture can be extended. The lecture is intended for a wide range of participants to the plenary of 150 people. Standard technical equipment will be available for the presentation (laptop, projector, electronic switch pointer).
Other technical support must be requested and specified in the application fee.
2) Workshop
Workshop Duration: 1.5 hours.
The workshop is an interactive lecture for a smaller number of participants, up to 30 people (in the application must be specified the number of participants). The workshop should be ensured interactivity between lecturers and participants. The workshop will be available with technical support as specified in the application.
3) Poster
Language: Czech, Slovak or English.
The maximum poster size is 90cm (height) x 120 cm (width) in vertical position.
Times for poster section will be listed in the program.
Authors have an obligation to be at the poster session at the time of their contributions.
Recommended content of the poster
- Header:
1st: Name, place of the conference, where the poster is presented
2nd: Title - recommended short (eight words)
3rd: Authors
4th: Research work / school, where the participants conducted the research task
- Own Content:
5th Introduction, purpose - usually shows a few brief sentences of research objective or hypothesis
6th Theoretical anchoring of the research - main thematic research resources
7th Description and sample population
8th Methodology - the main methods
9th Results
10th Conclusions - usually 1-3 sentences
11th Discussion - possible limits and benefits of the research
12th List of references according to APA - max 3 to 5
4) Proceedings
The standards of the proceedings contribution in english can be downloaded here