Analysis Download

You may want to download the data displayed in the on-screen table for further analysis. You can choose between three file formats for downloaded data.
In each case data will be presented as a table with appropriate titles, as on the screen. If the table is paged, all data for all pages will be downloaded in a single file.

Excel Spreadsheet format:

You will get an .xls spreadsheet document.

OpenOffice Writer format:

The data will we presented within a table in an OpenOffice .sxw text document.
This format will be available only if you have installed the PHPWriter library in the /moodle/lib subdirectory.

Text format

In this case, data will be stored as a regular text file. A line for each row in the table with data separated by tabstops.

Rejstřík všech souborů nápovědy
Zobrazit tuto nápovědu v jazyce: Čeština


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